Open Up: Creating Creative Futures for Young People

The Spring Big Give 2025 Website Banner Open Up: Creating Creative Futures for Young People

Support The Spring with The Big Give Campaign

This March, The Spring is taking part in The Big Give to raise £4,000 for ‘Open Up’ – a project designed to support young people in Havant Borough to access creative opportunities, raise aspirations, and increase well-being.

For one week only (18th – 25th March), your donation will have double the impact! Every £1 raised will be match-funded to support young people in Havant Borough.

Many young people can’t access creative opportunities due to rising costs, arts cuts and accessibility. For young people within Havant Borough this is particularly acute as a number of the areas fall within the lowest 20% of deprivation in England. Data shows that the life satisfaction of young people from these areas is low and their aspirations are limited. Through arts and cultural activity, we empower the people of Havant to learn new skills, discover new ideas and find new futures.

One donation, double the impact!

How to get involved:

  • From the campaign launch date (18th March) head to our Big Give Campaign page to make your donation. Please note that donations must be made via debit/credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. If you’d like to give a cash or cheque donation, please contact our team directly.
  • Help us to share the campaign! Whether you have donated, or you are unable to, we would highly appreciate if you could share this with your friends, family, colleagues, and local community to help spread the word.

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