Heritage Walk: Regime Change

Tuesday 29th April, 10:30am, £7

Back by popular demand, we’re starting a new series of Heritage Walks!

The aim of each walk is to identify evidence of human activity in the landscape and think about what this might tell us about the past. Our guide, Nigel Brown, will help reveal features and suggest interpretations, focussing each week on a broad theme or topic.

Walks start at 10:30am and last around 1.5 to 2 hours. Open to all and requiring just a modicum of fitness, tickets are just £7 and will need to be purchased ahead of the walk.

A walk through Bosham and a look at the route to 1066. The walk will start and finish at Bosham Public Car Park (PO18 8HT).

Regime Change - The Spring Spring 2025 Programme Images

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